That depends!
First of all, the state of hypnosis is a natural state which we all experience every day. It is similar to hyperconcentration. You can experience it when you are watching something that intrigues you, or when you are concentrating hard.
20% of the population reaches this state of altered consciousness in 30 seconds. Some reach it in 5 minutes. For some people it takes longer. It is arbitrary but everyone is hypnotisable since it is a natural state that we all experience.
It’s easy to know if you are under hypnosis:
The first sign is that you feel relaxed. 🌿
You are still conscious of your surroundings but your body might feel heavy or light and very relaxed.
You may also feel hot or cold, or pins and needles. You are conscious but your subconscious is working in the background.
▶️ It’s normal to feel conscious of your surroundings but cognitive processing is taking place at another level.
Take driving, for example. You can arrive at your destination even if you blanked out for a few seconds, yet you weren’t asleep and you were completely conscious of your surroundings.
That’s a good example of the hypnosis state. 💫