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    D543BD38-52BA-4D26-8346-785BF2ED990B Adwords Keyword research for beginners When you embark on your first PPC journey, you need to keep a small number of keywords at first. Keyword lists that are thousands of words long should be left to the more experienced PPC marketer. Ideally, a beginner should use around 100 targeted keywords, anything more will probably prove too cumbersome for you to manipulate. If you can’t harness the power of large key Lorem ipsum test de titre 1 ich only appears as green bars on the main Google page, will be transformed into numeric data that has much more value for you. Once the data is in the excel spread sheet, you can begin some simple analysis on it that will benefit your PPC campaign a great deal. In the excel spreadsheet, there are going to be columns of data, A-D. The columns are going to be, from A-D, Keywords, Advertiser competition, the previous month’s search volume, and the average search volume.The two columns we are interested in are the advertiser competition and the Average search volume. What we want to do is Lorem ipsum test de titre 2 t search volume to target lower cost high converting keywords. So, to find these keywords we use a general benchmark number that will determine their competition and volume level. If the keywords exceed the benchmark, we leave them be, if they hit right around the benchmark, or fall below it, we want to capture them and include them in our PPC campaign. To get our figures, which we are going to compare to a predetermined benchmark, we are going to take an average of the